Sunday, January 27, 2013

Silver Linings Playbook Review

3.5 Stars

Silver Linings Playbook is the story of Pat Solatano Jr. (Bradley Cooper) who was just released from a court ordered stint at a mental institution. He was placed there as a result of being diagnosed with bipolar disorder which was decided after he beat up his wife Nikki's (Brea Bee) lover. Pat was released after eight months of treatment on the condition that he move back in with his parents in Philadelphia.  Pat has lost his house, his job and his wife (who also has a restraining order against him), he's a newly released mental patient, and supposed to be taking medications to help with his disorder.  Against all odds, Pat is determined to set things right and is convinced he can do it all by making healthy life choices rather than through self-medication.  On his journey, he finds he's not the only one with problems: his father Pat Solatano Sr. (Robert DeNiro) has become a bookie to pay the bills, his best friend Ronnie (John Ortiz) is quietly seething inside over his controlling wife Veronica (Julia Stiles), and Veronica's widowed sister Tiffany (Jennifer Lawrence) is a recovering sex addict.  But it's Tiffany who throws the biggest wrench into Pat's plan to get his job, his wife and his life back as they develop a love / hate relationship stemming from the help they find they can offer each other in their journeys.

The preview for Silver Linings Playbook is pretty spot on in it's representation of the movie.  I said that it looks like a cute, smart, sweet, heart-felt story of pain, recovery and growth.  It's exactly that.   I did think it was an original story: Pat Solatano Jr (Cooper) gets out of a court-ordered mental facility after beating the man his wife was cheating with. He moves in with his parents as part of the condition for his release.  His father (DeNiro) has turned to gambling to pay the bills which gets interesting with his OCD paired with severe superstition.  His best friend Ronnie (Ortiz) has lost the love and passion in his marriage and feels whipped by his wife Veronica (Stiles).  Veronica's sister Tiffany (Lawrence) has her own issues getting over her husband's death and being labeled as the town slut, a title she earned by sleeping with all of her co-workers.  Somehow, Pat and Tiffany find they just might have the ability to positively affect each other, help each other grow and heal, and somehow actually find they are perfect for each other.

My biggest concern was Bradley Cooper and his ability to pull off the lead role in a movie like this.  I thought he was funny as part of an ensemble in the Hangover movies, and I thought he was also good as part of an ensemble in the romantic comedy He's Just Not That Into You.  And he did a really good job in Silver Linings; but ultimately, it was basically taking his ensemble part in Not Into You and expanding it to a sole lead.  And the movie was on par with a movie like Not Into You as well.  And I thoroughly enjoyed that movie, as I did this one.  I thought DeNiro was great, as is to be expected.  I thought Jennifer Lawrence was smart and sharp and sexy and love her more and more with every role I see.  But I just don't see why this was nominated for 8 Oscars.  Again, I really enjoyed it, I give it 3.5 stars.  I'll probably watch it again, but doubt it will make it to my collection.  But Best Picture? Best Director? Best Actor?  I didn't see it.  Maybe best screenplay.  But I could be wrong.  We'll find out in a few weeks.  So what movie will be on my mind next?  We shall see.

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