Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Argo Review

4 Stars

Argo is the name of the 1980 science fiction movie set in Iran with a storyline and feel similar to Star Wars.  The film was never made . . . and they never intended to make it either.  During the Iran hostage crisis, six Americans were able to get free when the embassy is invaded by Iranian protestors and found asylum in the home of Canadian ambassador Ken Taylor (Victor Garber).  When the CIA ordered that they be rescued and brought home, it was up to CIA exfiltration expert Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck) to figure out a way to do just that. Argo was his elaborate plan: a Canadian movie set in Iran.  Mendez posed as one of the film's producers, the CIA set up a fake Canadian film studio and sent out press releases advertising the movie, even members of Hollywood's film industry were brought in to bring legitimacy to the film that was never going to be made.  Based on true events, the plan was to get their phony film crew into Iran, make contact with the six refugees, and sneak them out of the country as part of their film crew.

I predicted 4 stars and Argo was a solid 4 star experience.  The preview was spot on: an incredible and almost unbelievable story, great characters, and a non-stop heart-pounding ride that keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time.  Ben Affleck was great as Ben Affleck, or Tony Mendez. Affleck is one of those actors who is pretty much the same character in every one of his movies, but I still like him.  I think he's been in some bad movies (Gigli), but I don't think he performed badly in any of those movies.  But I don't ever see him delivering an Oscar-worthy performance.  So, he should set his aspirations of trophies and commendations to behind-the-scenes work, like Good Will Hunting.  And Argo is up for an Oscar for Best Picture.  I'm not sure why Affleck didn't get recognized for his job Directing this movie, but Beasts of the Southern Wild Director Benh Zeitlin and Silver Linings Playbook Director David O. Russell did get nominated.  

Speaking of nominations, Alan Arkin was nominated for Actor in a Supporting Role for his part as Hollywood Film Producer Lester Siegel. He was great for the whole ten to fifteen minutes he was in the movie, but I don't think that warrants an Oscar Nomination, especially being put up against Tommy Lee Jones (Lincoln) and Christoph Waltz (Django Unchained).  Regardless of the awards this movie should or should not be receiving in my opinion, Argo was thoroughly entertaining, extremely well-done, rivetingly intense and well worth the price of admission.  I will definitely see it again and there's a good chance of it making my home collection.  So, what movie will be on my mind next?  We shall see.

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