Sunday, February 28, 2016

Room Preview

Room is the story about 5 year old Jack (Jacob Tremblay) and his mother Ma (Brie Larson)  who are a typical loving mother and energetic son filled with curiosity and imagination in an anything but typical situation.  They are both living, surviving, trapped in a 10 by 10 foot space that Ma has called Room in her best efforts to protect Jack from the absolutely unthinkable nightmare that is the only life he has ever known, a life she isn't sure will ever be anything else.  However, miraculously, through Ma's ingenuity and guts and Jack's courage, one day, they escape.  With their 10 x 10 Room behind them, they face a new world (literally) of hopes, possibilities, challenges and fears.  

I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch Room or Spotlight next with the Oscars upon us, but a good friend of mine, Steve Williams, strongly recommended Room.

Tremblay was the voice of a Smurf in the Smurfs 2 and has done a couple bit roles, mostly in TV, but the preview makes him look quite comfortable in this leading role, like a seasoned professional.  Larson has had supporting roles in Trainwreck, The Gambler and Don Jon along with multiple TV appearances, but this is her first leading role and she also looks right at home.  In fact, her performance has not only earned her an Oscar nomination for Best Actress, but many critics are predicting she will go home with the win.

Room is nominated for Best Picture, though The Revenant is all anyone can talk about as the favorite in that category.   It is unclear from the preview just how Jack and Ma ended up in the Room, nor how long they have been there, though it does seem that is the only reality Jack has ever known.  What is clear is that Ma must daily must up the strength and courage to be brave for Jack and not let him know how hopeless and terrible their life really is.  We already know from the preview that they do eventually escape and are given a chance to have a life outside the Room.  There is some indication that whoever was responsible for their imprisonment might possibly still be out there, as if adjusting to an entire world outside of a 10 x 10 Room wasn't already a daunting task.

Room looks like a touching, heart-warming, intense, gripping, original and well-acted and well-told story that I believe I'll thoroughly enjoy.  I'm predicting a solid 4 stars: worth the money in the theatre, worth watching again, and has a good chance of making it to my home collection.  Am I right?  We shall see.

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