Sunday, February 28, 2016

2016 Oscar Awards

My predictions vs. actual winners:

Best Picture - The Revenant - Wrong - Spotlight
* Best Actor - Leonardo DiCaprio  - Correct
* Best Actress - Brie Larson - Correct
* Supporting Actor - Mark Rylance - Correct
Supporting Actress - Jennifer Jason Leigh - Wrong - Alicia Vikander
Animated Feature Film - Anomalisa - Wrong - Inside Out
Cinematography - Mad Max: Fury Road - Wrong - The Revenant
Costume Design - Cinderella - Wrong - Mad Max: Fury Road
* Directing - The Revenant - Correct
* Documentary - Amy - Correct
Documentary Short - Last Day of Freedom - Wrong - A Girl in the River
Film Editing - Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Wrong - Mad Max: Fury Road
Foreign Language Film - A War - Wrong - Son of Saul
* Makeup and Hairstyling - Mad Max: Fury Road - Correct
Original Score - Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Wrong - Hateful Eight
Original Song - Simple Song #3 - Wrong - Writing's On the Wall
Production Design - The Martian - Wrong - Mad Max: Fury Road
Short Film Live - Day One - Wrong - Stutterer
Sound Editing - Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Wrong - Mad Max: Fury Road
Sound Mixing - Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Wrong - Mad Max: Fury Road
Visual Effects - Star Wars: The Force Awakens - Wrong - Ex Machina
Writing Adapted - Room - Wrong - The Big Short
* Writing Original - Spotlight - Correct 

Well, I didn't do that well in my predictions here.  I think Spotlight took many people by surprise for Best Picture of the Year.  It was already next on my must see list.  Leonardo was almost a guarantee for his 6th nomination.  I just saw Room today and called Brie as Best Actress.  Months ago, when I saw Bridge of Spies, I called Mark Rylance as Best Supporting Actor, even before the nominations were announced.  I do have to say that I was most surprised by how many awards Mad Max: Fury Road won.  I saw it and I wasn't terribly impressed.  I thought the sound mixing and editing in Star Wars was superb.  And I'm also surprised by Ex Machina beating out Star Wars for Visual Effects.  I haven't seen Ex Machina, but the effects in Star Wars made up for three completely botched visual disasters in the franchise.  

I was a bit disappointed in Chris Rock as the host of the show.  I understand there was a lot of upset and outrage over the lack of diversity represented at the Oscars.  The point was driven home relentlessly before the show and during the red carpet interviews.  We all expected it to be addressed during the ceremony as well, but I actually appreciated Vice President Joe Biden's call to stand against rape and Leonardo DiCaprio's warning about global warning as a nice break from the non-stop protest that took over the show.  I did, however, think Cheryl Boone Isaacs' (President of the Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) speech was brief, effective, eloquent and to the point.  Hopefully next year, we can get back to poking fun at the actors and celebrating the accomplishments of talented artists.

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