Sunday, October 25, 2009

Changeling Preview

Changeling is based on the true story of a grief -stricken mother Christine Collins (Angelina Jolie) whose son went missing on March 10, 1928. After a five month long investigation under the direction of LAPD Captain JJ Jones (Jeffrey Donnovan), her son was miraculously found in Illinois and returned to her in Los Angeles. There's only one problem - it's not her son. Pastor Gustav Briegleb (John Malkovich) picks up on her story and offers his assistance. He has a vendetta against the LAPD because of their shortcomings and their attempts to cover them up. He knows that Mrs. Collins has the power to embarrass them and they don't like that. In fact, to cover up their mistakes, the LAPD sends Mrs. Collins to a mental institution and she won't be released unless she signs a confession that they did no wrong and are not responsible for anything. Captain Jones is informed that the way he is handling the whole case is making them look bad and is asked if the kid they gave her isn't her son, then where is he? Collins is convinced that her son is still out there. Pastor Gustav will keep this story on the front page so no more kids and parents are put through this. And the LAPD will do whatever they can to bury the story.

Clint Eastwood adds Changeling to his growing list of Directorial achievements including Unforgiven, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Million Dollar Baby, and Flags of our Fathers. Changeling is based on a true story and looks to be a very emotional story. But it looks like a slow-moving, drawn-out story that will be interesting at best. I'm sure I will be mortified at the actions of the LAPD, but I'm thinking it would be more interesting in a one hour Dateline Special rather than a two and a half hour long movie. I just don't see how it will keep audiences for that long without putting them to sleep. But who knows? Maybe I'm wrong. I am a fan of Eastwood, Jolie and Malkovich, so it's entirely possible. We shall see . . .

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