Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Crazies Preview

The Crazies stars Timothy Olyphant as small town sheriff David Dutton.  Residents of Ogden Marsh, Iowa are starting to act, well, crazy.  Some tainted water has infected them, turning them into violent empty shells of their former selves.  On the surface, they aren't identifiable like zombies or the undead.  But they appear to be uncontrollably prone to extreme violence.  It's up to Sheriff Dutton, his wife, and the uninfected to figure out who has been turned by the water, how to stop them, and how to stop more from turning in this horrific tale.

The preview makes me think The Crazies has potential to be a really good scary movie, something not many successfully achieve.  I don't particularly think horror movies are that scary and I'm usually more curious about how certain special effects are done than scared by the end result.  Horror and thriller movies that leave more to the imagination are much more entertaining to me.  1408 with John Cusack, Seven with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, The Skeleton Key with Kate Hudson, The Strangers with Liv Tyler, 10 Cloverfield Lane with John Goodman, those are the kinds of movies that get me going and this looks like it could be one of the good ones.

I'm initially inclined to give a 3 star rating meaning I'll enjoy it, it will be worth the money, might not make it to my home collection, but I'd watch again.  I'm going to give it a slight bump for two reasons: first, it was recommended to me by my friend Jeff and second, it stars Timothy Olyphant and I've loved him in Justified, Live Free or Die Hard, and Deadwood, so I'm excited to see him in this role.  I did find it interested to learn that Olyphant originally started with stand-up comedy in Boston and New York as comedians like Dave Attell, Louis CK, Sarah Silverman, Jay Mohr and Dave Chapelle were getting their starts.  While I can't see Olyphant performing stand up, I do see him being quite believable as the small town sheriff in The Crazies, so I'm going to give this a 3.5 Star prediction.  Am I right? We shall see.

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